powerpc with gigabit card hanging
David Gardiner
daveg at sonartech.com.au
Fri Sep 24 14:32:34 EST 2004
Not sure that this really belongs here but since I've got an i386 -
2.6.7 running with a e1000 fine I would assume, it's got something to do
with the platform and I'm hoping someone has seen something similar.
Anyway whenever I configure a gigabit ethernet card (bcm5700 or intel
pro 1000) the system hangs and 100 base (e100) is fine.
What I've tried
bcm5700 - with bcm5700 versions 7.1.22 & 7.3.5 and the kernel module tg3
Intel pro 1000 - with the kernel modules
What I can do, insert the modules remove them, bring them down (ifconfig
ethx down) although they aren't up.
What I can't do, bring them up (ifconfig ethx ....... up)
I've attached straces for bringing up an e100 and e1000, noting that
after that is freezes/hangs while trying to configure the e1000, and the
strace's for the bcm5700 looks exactly the same.
oh, kernel version 2.6.9-rc2 with these patches
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