how to read/write registers of CPU or Device from user space

Muhammad Sarwar msarwar at
Tue Jan 13 00:48:59 EST 2004

>From user space access, use mmap.

Muhammad Sarwar
Mangrove Systems Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Zhou [mailto:zjzhou at]
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 9:20 PM
To: linuxppc-dev at
Subject: how to read/write registers of CPU or Device from user space

Hi, all,

when debugging kernel or driver, we need to read/write registers of CPU and devices. I wanna use /dev/mem to do, is it possible? if need to do others things? is it better to write a driver for read/write CPU/device's registers by myself?

Do you have any good advice?

Thanks in advance!

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