XServe G5 and Linux ?
David D. Kilzer
ddkilzer at kilzer.net
Mon Feb 9 13:37:28 EST 2004
Yellow Dog Linux is probably your best bet, but it looks like they're
still working on a solution.
Go to their online store, then click on "Apple HPC" to see the status of
the Apple G5 Xserve blades.
On Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 07:05:39PM +0100, Harald Welte wrote:
> Hi!
> I currently have the requirement for some 1U servers running linux, but
> specifically being not x86. So apart from the sparc64 systems, there's
> of course the Apple XServe.
> I have a couple of questions though:
> 1) Does anybody have experience running linux on the current G5 Xserve?
> 2) Does the 32bit PPC arch run in SMP on a dual G5 Xserve?
> And a minor curiosity at the end: Are there any plans to include Apple
> G5 support into the linux ppc64 arch at some point?
> Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not 'demanding' anything. I just
> want to get some information... and information about the linux
> ppc/ppc64 kernel development to be almost non-existent on the net.
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