asm inline

Franz Sirl Franz.Sirl-ppc at
Tue Dec 3 01:51:27 EST 2002

At 15:37 02.12.2002, Kevin B. Hendricks wrote:

> > |> Is there any warning flag that can be enabled to help find these
> > |> cases (the OOo source base is simply huge)?
> >
> > gcc 3.3 implements such a warning, but it may give many false positives.
>Any chance we can get this flag backported so that it appears in gcc 3.2.2?
>False positives are a whole lot better than code that quietly does the an
>unexpected thing.

Well, are you sure OO is really affected? strict-aliasing is the default
since gcc-2.96 which means that everything since redhat-7.0 would be
affected on x86 for example. Also GCC has been very late to make this the
default at all, I think that Sun and MS compilers do this for years
already. I would be very surprised if a multiplatform project like OO still
contained reasonable amounts of aliasing-unsafe code.


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