More problems with Kernel 2.4.10-pre12 and mounting

Ethan Benson erbenson at
Tue Sep 25 09:04:37 EST 2001

On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 05:39:59PM -0400, patrick wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Sep 2001, Ethan Benson wrote:
> > well sounds to me like your scsi driver is hosed then.
> Well if the SCSI driver is hosed, then shouldn't I *not* be able to do
> anything else then?  My setup is as follows:
> SCSI0 - Adaptec 2940 UW Card   /dev/sda
> SCSI1 - Mesh Internal SCSI     /dev/sdb
> And all of the drivers have been compiled into the kernel (no modules).
> > well if badblocks has no problem reading the entire device why should
> > anything else.  this clearly has nothing to do with partition table
> > support.
> Then that leaves it to the program I'm using to read the partition map.
> I've seen you reference "mac-fdisk".  Is this the same as pdisk?  Or
> is an entirely different beast?

its a debian modified version of pdisk thats more reliable.  get the
one from debian woody.

> Perhaps it is pdisk that doesn't like the new kernel.

i don't really see how.. its not doing much more then reading the
first 32k of of the disk to parse the partition table.

Ethan Benson

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