PowerStack interrupt?problem
Nils Krueger
nilz at hoschi.de
Mon Oct 1 21:40:19 EST 2001
> > Goody, which? :) I've got a 604/100 right here.
> The one that looks like a HiFi, with 133 MHz 604.
It's called PowerStack Series E.
> > Hmm. I sort-of wonder if the PS/2 changes a while back goofed something
> > My kbd is fine too, and I'll try and throw a mouse on later this week.
> > Can you grab the bk version and go back to 2.4.8, .7, et al and see if
> > it works? I think some PS/2 stuff was done in maybe .5 or .6..
I had the same problem with 2.4.5, .7-pre3 and .8-pre3. I haven't watched
the interrupts then, but it showed the same symptoms. (keyboard, mouse,
network, scsi are stalled but graphic card is still working)
This night I compiled 2.4.10-pre12 (from MontaVista rsync) and still the
same. (Thank you, Geert, the video-mode kernel parameter works fine; fbcon
gives me 1024x768 directly after bootup now)
One keypress or release of a mouse button causes about 20 interrupts and
sometimes one or two BAD interrupts. (BTW, it's the same on my so far most
stable 2.2.17) Should be normally 4 interrupts (and of course no BAD one)?
> but the owner promised to join
> the mailing list, so I hope he'll do.
http://www.hoschi.de/nilz (Nilz' Homepage)
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