Console text selection bug

Timothy A. Seufert tas at
Tue Mar 6 17:18:42 EST 2001

At 10:35 PM +0100 3/5/01, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
>>When I select text in console it's scrambled. I looked at the
>>aty128 sources, but I didn't find anything about it. Where is
>>the code that manages selection/cut/paste ?
>>The selected text is scrambled in this way: every char has
>>the bits 1,2,3 swapped with bits 5,6,7 respectively (bits
>>numbered left to right). I don't know what can cause this
>>strange behaviour... I thought the console screen was a
>>simple array of char/colour pairs.
>It's an endian bug in fbcon when accessing the text/attribute buffer.
>I think someone posted a fix for it, You may have more luck asking on
>the fbdev mailing list to the fbdev maintainers what's up.
>I think it's related to fbcon_invert_region() not using the access
>macros and directly tapping the buffer, causing attributes & text
>to be messed up.

I saw this problem in 2.4.x until I turned off the config option for
VGA consoles.  Then it went away.

   Tim Seufert

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