xf 4.0.0/1 with rage II/rage pro -- should the ati driver work?

Michael Schmitz schmitz at zirkon.biophys.uni-duesseldorf.de
Sun Sep 24 09:25:17 EST 2000

>  > 	/* hack */
>  > 	pScrn->videoRam = 2048;
>  > [...]
>  > The hack to unconditionally set pScrn->videoRam to 2M should be removed,
> The rsync of atimach64ppc.c I got earlier today doesn't have this
> unconditonal assignment hack anymore.  The hardwired vram setting

It was too obvious to go undetected for long :-). Now if the kernel
framebuffer driver (atyfb, and don't check the 'no video driver' option
when using BootX) reportds the correct vram size the X server should see
the correct size as well.

If you have trouble with the predefined modes, just use the ones returned
by fbset -x.

I'll rsync again to see what else may have changed.


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