Where's the best installation tree?
Nelson Abramson
pogtal at erols.com
Wed Mar 1 13:28:18 EST 2000
Richard Young wrote:
> Where can I find the best (most up to date and working)
> RedHat (or Yellowdog) installation tree on the internet
> to support the sawtooth G4. One that has up to date gcc,
> debugger, utilities, whatever....
Well, linuxPPC supports the g4, I am on one as we speak. If you purchase
(or burn) a linuxPPC 2000 cd, the X installer supports the sawtooths, or
you can use the redhat installer on linuxPPC 1999...
> So rather than using one of the old official releases
> does anybody have a FTP site I could get the tree from?
> Is there an equivalent tree for installation RPMS as there
> is for the kernel?
There are all of the ftp mirrors and the main sites, and you can get
software from the developers...if you don't want to wait till someone
builds an rpm. Every software has it's own developement cycles, some are
open and publicly invovled (like gnome for instance), others are more one
man shows....
> It would be nice to have a newer kernel also that runs
> properly on the sawtooth. I was previously using Ben's
> vmlinux.benh.15 kernel but there has been lots of talk
> about changes that have been made so I should
> probably use a newer kernel also.
Well......BenH's kernels are nice because they work for a wide range of
machines. Get linux installed, and then compile your own kernel...
--Nelson Abramson
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