LinuxPPC X Server

Iain Sandoe iain at
Mon Jul 31 06:33:03 EST 2000

Thanks Michel,

I *did* say I saw very new to this...

on  Sun, Jul 30, 2000, Michel D‰nzer wrote:
> Iain Sandoe wrote:

> Before building, you should have copied xc/config/cf/{xf86site,host}.def
> Then edit the newly created host.def - you probably only want to build the
> server and drivers, and choose the drivers you want.


This was a step missing from the instructions :-(

Maybe I complied a lot more than necessary (and hence the time)...

Would I need to build all the apps once (so that they are compatible?).

After that, I suppose, I just rebuild the driver when the rsync changes...

> For DRI, you may have to edit even more files in config/cf/, AFAIK DRI is only
> built on i386 by default.

Do I also need to enable different support in the kernel?
(e.g. /dev/agpart support ?)
(there's been a fair amount about different fb stuff flying around...)
(I have ATI{mach64,r128}/IMSTT support enabled by default - since these are
the cards I have).


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