LinuxPPC X Server

Iain Sandoe iain at
Mon Jul 31 06:00:13 EST 2000

n  Sun, Jul 30, 2000,  Steffen Haeuser wrote:
> Am 30-Jul-00 schrieb Iain Sandoe:
>>On the up side I built it yesterday (with Ani's rsync stuff in place of the
>>xfree86 directory).  It build without problem - now all I need is time to
>>test ;-)
>>At present I'm not able to host the binaries (and not enough experienced
>>with X to be sure of building the right collection :-)
>>On the down side it took **all** day to build on my 300M G3.
>>And yes, there have been reports of people trying it (one yesterday - said
>>it was quicker in some places & slower in others...)
> Did these sources you have compiled include the DRI Drivers ?

Don't know - I did a make "World" so I guess that should have built

This will be the first time I've tried XF directly (although my X86 box has
it) - so I'm very new to it.

> Do you know if the bug concerning VidModeExtension 640x480 Fullscreen is gone
> ? (I could send you a small test executable...).

I will mail you off list when I have had time to do a test.

> You told it took 1 day to do... so
> there were big problems/source code changes to do ? Or what caused this ?

No problems, no changes, it's just *BIG* :-)


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