2.3.39 and keyboard/mouse

ramp at oddjob.uchicago.edu ramp at oddjob.uchicago.edu
Sun Jan 16 18:12:40 EST 2000

I was able to rsync, compile and boot 2.3.39 just now. 
Everything went fine except I can't type anything. I'm not 
sure my keyboard and mouse are being detected. 

I just worked with the config generated via 'make pmac_config' 
followed by 'make menuconfig'

I'm using an imac rev.d which was able to compile/boot 2.2.14 after 
applying Ben's patches.

Please excuse me  if this is a faq. I did look at some past 
mails on this list but was unable to upon a solution. 

Thanks in advance - Ramprasad

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