[patch] little-endian dmasound silently fails
bh40 at calva.net
Mon Feb 7 00:34:24 EST 2000
On Sat, Feb 5, 2000, Takashi Oe <toe at unlserve.unl.edu> wrote:
>Do you have any idea if they are used with G3 PowerBooks under Mac OS?
>There was a report long time that an user would lose ability to play
>audio CD from media bay drive after sleep, and he needed to boot Mac OS
>completely before coming back to Linux to get the lost audio CD
>capability back, though beep and other sound functions weren't affected
>at all.
They don't seem to be called on the wallstreet. In recent kernels, me and
Paul added a few timing fixes (mostly some delays here or there) and I
added some basic power control via the FCR register. I now have sleep
working fine when getting out of sleep. I can even play an MP3, sleep,
and the play resumes when I wake up.
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