MORE Mace on 7200 debug output, narrowing it down...

Bruce Anderson brucea at
Mon Aug 21 13:28:17 EST 2000

On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 12:52 AM, Robert E Brose II
<mailto:bob at> wrote:
>User Bruce Anderson says:
>> On Wed, Aug 9, 2000 10:40 PM, Robert E Brose II
>> >Any ideas on what to look for next??
>> Same tests but this time use a crossover and no hub between the
>Ok, had to wire up a crossover cable.
>It works "better" but still drops around 2 in 10 ping packets.
>Whenever 7200 fails to reply to a packet, the packet has the P bit set.
>22:47:25.180000 > myeth0 > rhlinuxeth0: icmp: echo request
>22:47:25.180000 < rhlinuxeth0 > myeth0: icmp: echo reply (DF)
>22:47:26.180000 > myeth0 > rhlinuxeth0: icmp: echo request
>22:47:26.180000 P rhlinuxeth0 > myeth0: icmp: echo reply (DF)
>In the dump above, the first was successful, the second was not.
>Packet size makes very little difference (tried 64 to 1400 bytes)

I looked this over and did some testing with my 2.2.13 machine but
I do not have any machines at this time that can generate this error,

" Stamp out root logins .  .  .  . su "   --Bruce Anderson
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