Linker help: How to create "hole" in text segment?

Wolfgang Denk wd at
Fri Aug 4 00:32:17 EST 2000


any linker experts out there?

This is for the PPCBoot project, and the background for  my  question
is the segmented structure of Flash memory chips:

I need to place some (read-only) data at a fixed address right in the
middle of the memory region that is intended to hold the text segment
- i.e, I want my memory map to look like this:

start + 0:	Begin of Text Segment
start + 32k-1	End of Text Segment (Part 1)

start + 32k	Begin of 16 k RO-Data
start + 48k -1	End of RO-Data

start + 48k	Begin of Text Segment (Part 2, continued)

Ideally, I want the linker to  make  the  code  "flow"  automatically
around the 16k gap - any hints how that can be arranged?

Thanks in advance,


Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: wd at
Quote from a recent meeting:   "We are going to continue having these
meetings everyday until I find out why no work is getting done."

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