Stupid question of the day: Ethernet IP aliases on startup
Michel Lanners
mlan at
Thu Sep 23 05:12:21 EST 1999
On 21 Sep, this message from John L Grantham echoed through cyberspace:
> Hi all,
> My stupid question of the day, on a similar vein to some other questions
> recently: I'm trying to set up my Linux box (PowerMac G3 MT/266, LinuxPPC
> 1999 crossed with YDL 1.1) to start up Ethernet IP aliases each time the
> computer boots. First attempt was using netcfg, which set up the aliases
> okay, and in each case the files for eth0:0 through eth0:7 in
> /etc/sysconfig/ says ONBOOT=YES, but the aliases don't start on boot. So
> I wrote a shell script to do so, and the script works if I call it
> (though it complains that the files already exist, but it does start the
> ports); the script I wrote is in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/, with a
> symbolic link pointing to it from /etc/rc.d/init.d/. But no dice--on
> startup, nothing doing, and I have to call the script myself.
What you need is a symbolic link from one (or more) of the directories
/etc/rc.d/rcx.d, called Syy.netscripts, pointing to your script.
The key is that only scripts in those directories are executed, if and
only if the runlevel no. x is entered. Scripts named Syy.something are
called with the argument 'start', those named Kyy.something are called
with 'stop'. In any case, yy is a number that defines the order in which
the scripts are executed.
The standard runlevels are 3 (regular console) or 5 (with X, usually
through xdm).
Michel Lanners | " Read Philosophy. Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes | Ask Questions. Make Mistakes.
L-1710 Luxembourg |
email mlan at | | Learn Always. "
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