controlfb.c bug in VRAM bank2 check if bank1

Kevin Puetz puetzk at
Thu Sep 16 04:26:55 EST 1999

khendricks at said:
> Hi,
> Just to add fuel to the fire (although I am not sure if this is
> related or not)

> My B+W G3 rev2 with 16MB of vram has never ever detected the correct
> amount.  In  fact, if I run Xconfigurator, it tells me I have less
> then 1MB of vram and  therefore won't let me use any of the higher
> resolutions that should work

> The interesting thing is that if I change my bpp via the MacOS,
> Xconfigurator  reports completely different amounts of vram available
> and not in any logical  way that I can see.

If you use 'no video driver' Linux will see the amount of VRAM that was 
actually in use by MacOS when booting. You should probably look into a newer 
kernel with aty128fb

> Any fixes along these lines would be greatly appreciated (this is with
> Paul's  2.2.10 stable kernel available from his website).

Which is probably just old enough not to have the correct driver.

> Just thought someone in the know should be told :-)

> Kevin 

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