bug glibc strlen() or tcl8.2

Maurice DIAMANTINI diam at pmdiam.ensta.fr
Sat Sep 11 00:31:33 EST 1999

    Vous disiez:
    > >I'm unable to execute tcl8.2 on linuxppc R5. Although it compile and
    > >and run very simply on intel box, solaris, ... but not on linuxppc
    > > ...
    > >The programm compils OK, but get a core dump at the first execution
    > >of a tcl command (in fact at the "make test")
    > ...
    > >     memcpy ((VOID *) &tmpArgList, (VOID *) &argList, sizeof \
    >                                                (tmpArgList));
    >       ^^^^^^^^
    > This is unportable in combination with va_list. Try:
    >        __va_copy (tmpArgList, argList);
    Danke Franz,
    But when I modify the code (from the true tcl distrib):
    (I do'nt thes function which aren't part of the tcl distrib.
            // string = va_arg(tmpArgList, char *);
            string = __va_arg(tmpArgList, argList);
    then "make clean" then "make test" but I get:
    -I/home/diam/local/src/tcl/unix -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DHAVE_LIMITS_H=1
    /home/diam/local/src/tcl/unix/../generic/tclResult.c: \
        In function `Tcl_AppendResultVA':
        incompatible types in assignment
    make: *** [tclResult.o] Error 1

    Sorry but I'm not very clever in system! I just need to be able
    to compil a standard distrib for tcl...
    Anybody there has tried to compil tcl/tk last version?
    (available from http://www.scriptics.com/products/tcltk/8.2.html)
    When I read this html page :
         Supported Platforms 
         Tcl/Tk 8.2 is compatible with most releases of the
         following operating systems: 
              Windows 95 and 98 
              Windows NT 
              Solaris and SunOS 
              Digital Unix 
              SCO Unix 
              NetBSD, FreeBSD, BSDi 
              Most other Unix-like operating systems 
              Macintosh (68K and Power Mac) 
    but not linuppc :-((

Maurice DIAMANTINI   | Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees
mailto:diam at ensta.fr | 32 Boulevard Victor 75739 PARIS Cedex 15 - France

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