linux-2.2.13pre15 stability w/ head.S patch

phandel at phandel at
Sun Oct 31 05:36:33 EST 1999

On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, Martin Costabel wrote:

> compile. And then none of them boots. After the first few lines ("kernel
> xxx booting ...") they just sit there. No error message that would give
> any hint. 

I've gotten to this stage myself after quite a few patches (and the
realization that the PowerBook PMU must be defined!) just to stare at the
"Booting..." screen.  I've tried all sorts of combinations of BootX
versions, checking/unchecking the video driver, and double-checking
scsi/graphics settings, but am at a loss and will start playing with
start.c next.

I'd be happy to submit my patches, although I'm sure there's a "standard"
way of patching things that I don't yet know of (as I am a fairly new
kernel hacker), so I haven't.


Peter F. Handel          "[The anti-Christ] also forced everyone, small and
phandel at      great ... to receive a mark [smart card?] on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could
FAX: (561) 619-8051       buy or sell unless he had the mark"-Revelation13:16

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