Trying to find out the current state of Linux on a MPC 8260

diekema_jon diekema at
Sat Nov 6 05:29:45 EST 1999

> Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 13:59:54 -0500
> From: Dan Malek <dan at>
> Organization: NETx4, LLC

> Motorola gave me an 8240 Sandpoint that I have been using in my free
> time to port Linux/PPC.  Since this is a personal contribution of
> mine, people that pay me obviously have priority :-).  I should
> update CVS with the current sources....there are still some bugs in
> the configuration of the interrupt controller for the ISA bridge and
> 8259.

What CVS archives do you update?  

Is it ":pserver:anonymous at"?  

What are the collection names that contains the updates?  Is it just "linux"?

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