OF booting news
Philipp Tomsich
mac at mars.zserv.tuwien.ac.at
Mon May 31 21:43:03 EST 1999
On Thu, 20 May 1999, Martin Costabel wrote:
> I am curious: Has anyone ever compared the actual booting times for OF
> booting and BootX booting (I can't, because my 6400 doesn't OF boot
> anymore). I suspect the difference is less than 10 seconds. On a total
> booting time of more than 60 seconds, this is really minimal.
> I just rebooted, and the total time of 110 seconds (from typing "reboot"
> until the login prompt) was spent as follows:
> 35 sec: shutdown
> 23 sec: starting MacOS and BootX extension, hitting the button, waiting
> for the
> penguin to show up and the kernel messages to start scrolling by
> 52 sec: rest of linux boot procedure.
I upgraded a PowerMac 8500 based PPC target system to YDL-1.0 and
compared the boot times last week. My findings make a rather strong
argument for OF booting: while BootX booting (using MacOS 8.6) takes about
30 secs, the kernel is loaded and started from OF in typically 3 seconds
(stopwatch timing).
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