turbo mouse driver fix...

Mark Abene phiber at radicalmedia.com
Tue May 25 16:45:24 EST 1999

Hey!  Please test the following patch to mac_keyb.c which fixes the TurboMouse
support you added based on my "mousehack" program.  I tested my changes on a
2.2.7 kernel.  The problem is that once you determine we are working with a
TurboMouse 5 (thanks for adding the reg 1 ID detection, btw!), we need to write
to id 3, which is how you control the TurboMouse 5's modes, not to id 15.

--- mac_keyb.c.orig     Tue May 25 02:07:29 1999
+++ mac_keyb.c  Tue May 25 02:25:36 1999
@@ -908,13 +908,10 @@
        adb_request(&req, NULL, ADBREQ_SYNC, 1, ADB_FLUSH(id));
-       adb_request(&req, NULL, ADBREQ_SYNC, 3,
-               ADB_WRITEREG(id,3), 0x20 | id, 4);
-       adb_request(&req, NULL, ADBREQ_SYNC, 1, ADB_FLUSH(id));
+       adb_request(&req, NULL, ADBREQ_SYNC, 1, ADB_FLUSH(3));
        adb_request(&req, NULL, ADBREQ_SYNC, 9,
-       ADB_WRITEREG(id,2),
+       ADB_WRITEREG(3,2),
@@ -924,10 +921,10 @@
-       adb_request(&req, NULL, ADBREQ_SYNC, 1, ADB_FLUSH(id));
+       adb_request(&req, NULL, ADBREQ_SYNC, 1, ADB_FLUSH(3));
        adb_request(&req, NULL, ADBREQ_SYNC, 9,
-       ADB_WRITEREG(id,2),
+       ADB_WRITEREG(3,2),

That should work fine.  If it does for everyone else, it should be committed!


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