OF booting news

Remco Post R.Post at sara.nl
Thu May 20 18:42:12 EST 1999

On 19-May-99 Jerry Quinn wrote:
> Tom Rini wrote:
>> On Wed, 19 May 1999, Jerry Quinn wrote:
>> > Umm, any news about Platinum drivers?  Otherwise, a revised loader still
>> > wouldn't be very useful on 7200 class machines.
>> There were many of patches in there.  I wasn't aware the 7200 OF was
>> broken.  The source is the boot part of darwin, in SecondaryLoader, iirc.
> I think the issue is that there isn't an OF driver at all for the
> platinum controller.  With the old OF booting through quik, nothing
> could display on the screen until linux took control, which was one
> reason why BootX is a huge improvement (as is MkBooter for mklinux).
BootX is a huge improvement if you like waiting for a machine to boot and have
an option. Quik is still my favourite since I never boot MacOS on my 7200.
Having to install my kernel on a MacOS partition was another thing I disliked
about BootX (that may have changed by now....)

> Unless I'm getting the issues wrong (always a possibility :-)

> -- 
> Jerry Quinn

E-Mail: Remco Post <R.Post at sara.nl>
Date: 20-May-99
Time: 10:29:10

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