hfs plus development?

Michael Blakeley mike at blakeley.com
Wed May 19 03:54:27 EST 1999

Is anyone on the list working on HFS Plus? I've been creating data
structures in hfs.h (based on MacOS Universal Headers, and following the
existing structures). Now I'm starting to look at the actual fs code.

I gather from the fs/hfs web site that the original author isn't really
maintaining this code, and certainly isn't working on HFS Plus. If anyone
else has already started on HFS Plus support, drop me a line so we can pool
our efforts. Or if anyone wants a copy of my hfs.h to start working from....

Note - this isn't anywhere _close_ to an announcement, or a request for
beta testers :-).

Michael Blakeley       mike at blakeley.com     <http://www.blakeley.com/>
            Performance Analysis for Internet Technologies

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