2.2.5 on an iMac

John Buswell johnb at one.net
Wed Mar 31 08:16:50 EST 1999


i'm trying to compile a 2.2.5 kernel for my iMac running LinuxPPC pre-R5.
I did the following :

applied kbd-final-2.2.0 and uusbd-199901xxxx to linux-2.2.0
then patched up to 2.2.5 and eventually make vmlinux

Everything compiled fine but when I try to boot it (by putting vmlinux in
the same directory as bootx) it sits there at after it detects the ide

I guess I'm missing a patch or two :) can anyone help me out?


John Buswell
Systems Administrator
OneNet Communications, Inc.
(513) 618-1000 - johnb at one.net

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