2.2.x kernels and u grading software to minimum req.

P. Barrette barretp at mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca
Thu Mar 4 09:10:24 EST 1999

that would be nice, I just spend the last hour upgrading my i386 RH5.1
machine from rh's errata page (actually a mirror to it), and that was
relatively painless. 
> .... which brings up a big question: Shouldn't there be upgrade areas
> for LinuxPPC's releases, like there are for normal RedHat releases? It
> seems to me that R4 still contains all the way old ackages, and that
> the only updates available are from september last year or so...

I guess that would be nice too, but  I'm under the
impression that the linuxppc staff is substantially smaller than RH,
correct me if I am wrong, so this strikes me as unlikely.

> Then, this sparks a second question: how about actuallay changing the
> packages list in the distribution, so that if I net-install LinuxPPC, I
> will always have the latest&greatest, but also bug- and
> security-problem-free instal _without_ doing manual upgrades later on?

I grabbed all the sources and they compiled ok once I applied Gary's
glibc1_99 patch.
> I had no problem upgrading most (and all the critical ones) from the
> mentioned packages, though by getting the maintainer's official and
> latest release (not .src.rpm's).
> Michel

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