G3 Upgrade Questions....

Andreas Bogk andreas at andreas.org
Thu Jul 29 23:30:04 EST 1999

Geert Uytterhoeven <Geert.Uytterhoeven at cs.kuleuven.ac.be> writes:

> Since the 750 is derived from the 603e, it scores 1 bogomips per MHz. The 604e
> does 2 bogomips per MHz.

This contradicts my readings:

processor       : 0
cpu             : 750
temperature     : 67 C
clock           : 297MHz
revision        : 2.2
bogomips        : 599.65
zero pages      : total 0 (0Kb) current: 0 (0Kb) hits: 0/688 (0%)
machine         : PowerBook
motherboard     : AAPL,PowerBook1998 MacRISC
L2 cache        : 1024K unified pipelined-syncro-burst
memory          : 192MB

But I wouldn't be surprised if the second level cache would influence
the BogoMIPS value by a factor of two.


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