usb mouse in 2.2.10

Paul Mackerras paulus at
Wed Jul 28 11:46:35 EST 1999

Robert Brose <bob at> wrote:

> 1) The keyboard response is somewhat odd. If I type "cd /anything" at the
> prompt, it fairly
> regularly does cdcd /anything on the echo. It's hard to pin down because it

This is a problem in the USB keyboard driver, where it doesn't handle
the `key rollover error' keycode correctly.  The iMac keyboard gives
this keycode if you press more than 2 keys (other than modifiers) at

> If I cat /dev/mouse and move it I get moving lines of junk as I would expect.
> The bus mouse
> protocol looks suspicious but it works in 2.2.5 and I haven't found anything to
> replace it with
> yet.

Use "IMPS/2" (or "imps2" for gpm).


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