linux-pmac 2.2.10: media bay panics on PBG3
Albrecht Dre_
ad at
Fri Jul 9 17:49:47 EST 1999
Peter Handel wrote:
> Looks like it's time to bust out "diff" ... You could write a quick
> /bin/sh script that does something like:
> ...although I bet they're just different ac releases of 2.2.10.
There are LOTS of differences... Unfortunately, I do not understand that much
of the kernel...
As a response to Ben's comment about the io addresses: I added a printk to
mediabay.c to check the ide base addresses, and comparing's and
paulus' dmesg output, it results in:
2.2.10 from
ide0 at 0xf3020000-0xf3020007,0xf3020160 on irq 13
mediabay: 0: base=0xf3021000 irq=14 idx=-1
mediabay: 1: base=0xd080a000 irq=78 idx=-1
2.2.10 form the paulus dir:
ide0 at 0xf5020000-0xf5020007,0xf5020160 on irq 13
mediabay: 0: base=0xf5021000 irq=14 idx=-1
mediabay: 1: base=0xd280a000 irq=78 idx=-1
Checking the diffs, I noticed that in arch/ppc/pmac_setup.c and
drivers/block/ide_pmac.c some code was adden in the "paulus" versions,
especially some adds of "_IO_BASE". Might this be a source of the problems?
Thanks, Albrecht.
| Dr.-Ing. Albrecht Dre\ss ---- |
| Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Radioastronomie |\ / /o o\ |
| Abteilung f\"ur Infrarot-Interferometrie | \ / | / | |
| Auf dem H\"ugel 69 | \ | \ ---/ |
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| Mail ad at |
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