MCP750 and CPX2000 System Scsi Woes

Jim Somerville somer at
Sat Jan 16 09:40:47 EST 1999

In message "Re: MCP750 and CPX2000 System Scsi Woes", 
"Gabriel Paubert" <paubert at> writes:
>Not very surprising, which is the actual interrupt used for SCSI
>(it should be in the doc and in the residual data).
>Tell me if the zImage-2.2.0-pre5 on works
>better. Early boot messages will be different and it will try to use
>the OpenPIC (that's the image running on my MVME2600 right now).
>I'm completely reorganizing my source code and patches, hopefully
>I'll be able to make it available during the week-end. 

Gabriel, it worked!  SCSI devices were found successfully.  It died at the
end trying to mount the non-existent root partition.  If you have a
ramdisk image that contains an installer, it would be appreciated.  :-)
I'll look for your source on Monday.

Thanks again,


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