Accelerated XF68 on PowerMac 7300?

satadru pramanik satadru at
Fri Jan 15 01:47:52 EST 1999

Ditto for a 7600/132!

On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, Renaud Dreyer wrote:

   Does the accelerated XF68 X-server support acceleration on the PowerMac
7300? I've been trying to set-up XF68 with little success. All I can
get is 8bpp and no acceleration. If someone has managed to make
acceleration work on a 7300 (with stock video), I'd appreciate a copy
of your XF68Config file. Thanks,

           Renaud Dreyer

satadru pramanik `satadru at'
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit
with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S
-Albert Einstein

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