2.2.0pre2 SCSI problems, more (fwd)

Peter Abrahamsen p1rabbit at halcyon.com
Tue Jan 5 05:04:35 EST 1999

On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, Brad Midgley wrote:

> that's the SAME drive that aborts for me in 2.2.0p4. mine is also
> connected to mesh. my 2.1.30 identifies it as: 
> Vendor: QUANTUM   Model: FIREBALL1280S     Rev: 630G

Yep, that's the one.

> i don't see it blacklisted. something just makes it want to abort now. the
> scary thing about this is this drive ships STANDARD in 1gig 7500's. that's
> a lot of computers that suddenly can't run linux. 

As well as 7600s :)

> peter, did you ever try booting mklinux? it always got an abort when it
> came across that drive... 

Nope, never tried. Vger 2.1.130 from CVS a/o a few days ago works fine.
I've found that the other problem I had was caused by having a serial.o
module, which my system automatically loaded when it ran setserial.
Please address or cc responses to me personally, i am not on the
linuxppc-dev list.



Peter Abrahamsen
p1rabbit at halcyon.com
PGP: 0xC279D219: C080 6D6F 4492 C63D 20B7 8D41 8B17 C781 C279 D219

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