601 vs head.S

Paul Mackerras paulus at cs.anu.edu.au
Sun Feb 21 21:59:25 EST 1999

Brad Midgley <brad at pht.com> wrote:

> my quest is for a kernel that boots both on the 7200 and the imac. help me

Found it... had to take out the 2 nop's in hash_page this time.  Vger
(cvs) and samba (rsync) have the fix, if you want a precompiled
kernel, try ftp://ftp.linuxppc.org/linuxppc/kernel/powermac/test/vmlinux.

> out and i'll give you a free ppc601 card :)

No thanks, got one already. :)  Now if someone could send me one of
the quantum 1280S drives that are having fits, that could be useful.


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