scsi drivers (Quantum Fireball problem)

Piotr Muszynski u0295020 at
Thu Feb 18 13:37:37 EST 1999


There's strong evidence to suspect that new kernels (after maybe
2.1.127/2.1.131) don't recognize specifically QuantumFireball 1.2GB HD,
the standard disk in PMacs 7200/7500 and perhaps 7600.
There are many people using these disks that have difficulties with new
kernels because of this problem.
I imagine it would be impossible to install r5 on original,  single-disk

Is there anyone working on that?  If not,  I look for someone that knows
linuxppc's scsi drivers to help me isolate the trouble.  I have
PM7500/601/100 with QuantumFireball holding HFS (BootX) and IBM with
HFS/ext2,  running r4.


ps I know with today prices it's easy to change drives,  but ...

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