browser for R5

Niels Roest N.P.Roest at ITS.TUDelft.NL
Sun Feb 7 02:21:38 EST 1999

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Ira Joseph Woodhead wrote:

> Hi folks,
> With y'all's help I've installed pre-R5. I cannot begin really
> stretching its legs yet because I need a decent working web browser,
> therefore I haven't made the switch. However, I really want to! If
> anyone knows where to get one (not lynx!) or if anyone knows how to get
> Netscape 4.x to work on it I will jump in with both feet.
> Cheers!
> ira
Hiya, I do not know if you're aware of it,
but kfm is a pretty ok browser and doesn't have the
long wait for starting. granted, it doesn't do java or
javascript (yet), and there's no mail or news client
(I use tin, but maybe kmail and knews are ok too),
but I use it with content.


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