LinuxPPC on MVME 2306 board

Michael Lundkvist ml at
Tue Feb 2 06:50:45 EST 1999

Gabriel Paubert <paubert at> writes:
> I have put an untested zImage on my ftp server (I want to test it soon):
> I'm working on other improvements right now (and I've got a Universe
> driver close to working, DMA is still missing). 

I just tried this out on one of our MVME2307 cards. No go, but I'm
probably doing something wrong. 

This is what I did:

-----------BEGIN SESSION---------------------------------------

Copyright Motorola Inc. 1988 - 1998, All Rights Reserved
PPC1 Debugger/Diagnostics Release Version 4.1 - 10/12/98 RM01
COLD Start
Local Memory Found =04000000 (&67108864)
MPU Clock Speed =300Mhz
BUS Clock Speed =67Mhz
Reset Vector Location  : ROM Bank B
Mezzanine Configuration: Single-MPU
Current 60X-Bus Master : MPU0
Idle MPU(s)            : NONE
System Memory: 64MB, ECC Enabled (ECC-Memory Detected)
L2Cache:       NONE
Controller LUN =00? 
Device LUN     =00? 
Node Control Memory Address =03F9E000? 
Client IP Address      = 
Server IP Address      = 
Subnet IP Address Mask = 
Broadcast IP Address   = 
Gateway IP Address     = 
Boot File Name ("NULL" for None)     =/zImage-2.2.0-final?
Argument File Name ("NULL" for None) =? 
Boot File Load Address         =001F0000? 
Boot File Execution Address    =001F0000? 
Boot File Execution Delay      =00000000? 
Boot File Length               =00000000? 
Boot File Byte Offset          =00000000? 
BOOTP/RARP Request Retry       =00? 
TFTP/ARP Request Retry         =00? 
Trace Character Buffer Address =00000000? 
BOOTP/RARP Request Control: Always/When-Needed (A/W)=W? 
BOOTP/RARP Reply Update Control: Yes/No (Y/N)       =Y? 
Update Non-Volatile RAM (Y/N)? y
Network Booting from: DEC21143, Controller 0, Device 0
Device Name: /pci at 80000000/pci1011,19 at e,0:0,0
Loading: /zImage.nfsroot-2.2.0
Client IP Address      =
Server IP Address      =
Gateway IP Address     =
Subnet IP Address Mask =
Boot File Name         = /zImage.nfsroot-2.2.0
Argument File Name     = 
Network Boot File load in progress... To abort hit <BREAK>
Bytes Received =&462440, Bytes Loaded =&462440
Bytes/Second   =&231220, Elapsed Time =2 Second(s)

------------END SESSION---------------------------------------

No response after that.

If I do an nbh ionstead of an nbo and step through the code with t it
stops after the following code.

-------------BEGIN SESSION----------------------------------

IP     =001F0454 MSR    =00003040 CR     =00400000 FPSCR  =00000000
R0     =0000C082 R1     =001F0190 R2     =00000000 R3     =00000000
R4     =00000000 R5     =49504C01 R6     =00007000 R7     =001F0000
R8     =03FF9134 R9     =03FF8F34 R10    =03FF8F49 R11    =03FF9034
R12    =03FF9034 R13    =00000000 R14    =00000000 R15    =00000000
R16    =00000000 R17    =00000000 R18    =00000000 R19    =00000000
R20    =00000000 R21    =00000000 R22    =00000000 R23    =00000000
R24    =00000000 R25    =00000000 R26    =00000000 R27    =00000000
R28    =00003440 R29    =00000082 R30    =00264110 R31    =00000000
SPR0   =00000000 SPR1   =00000000 SPR8   =001F0418 SPR9   =00000000
001F0454 4C00012C  ISYNC       
IP     =001F0458 MSR    =00003040 CR     =00400000 FPSCR  =00000000
R0     =0000C082 R1     =001F0190 R2     =00000000 R3     =00000000
R4     =00000000 R5     =49504C01 R6     =00007000 R7     =001F0000
R8     =03FF9134 R9     =03FF8F34 R10    =03FF8F49 R11    =03FF9034
R12    =03FF9034 R13    =00000000 R14    =00000000 R15    =00000000
R16    =00000000 R17    =00000000 R18    =00000000 R19    =00000000
R20    =00000000 R21    =00000000 R22    =00000000 R23    =00000000
R24    =00000000 R25    =00000000 R26    =00000000 R27    =00000000
R28    =00003440 R29    =00000082 R30    =00264110 R31    =00000000
SPR0   =00000000 SPR1   =00000000 SPR8   =001F0418 SPR9   =00000000
001F0458 7C10FBA6  MTSPR       1008,R0

-------------END SESSION-----------------------------------

Any ideas?



Michael Lundkvist
ml at

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