matroxfb, anybody? (More details...)

Petr Vandrovec Ing. VTEI VANDROVE at
Mon Feb 1 18:32:25 EST 1999

On  1 Feb 99 at 18:15, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> > So, attached patch adds back that matrox_init is called unless you
> > specify `video=matrox:off' on command line. In this case, matrox can
> > be still initialized through offb. If you specify `video=matrox:disabled',
> > driver will be unavailable for offb too.
> Which does not help if you have 2 Matrox boards, due to the single static
> `initialized' variable.
No problem because of driver initializes ALL matroxes once matrox_init is
called, regardless of device_node contents (behavior is determined by
video=matrox:dev:X parameter).
> > Also, driver still does not use device_node passed to driver by offb
> > because of no-one told me what I can expect in that variable... Driver
> You can find the PCI base addresses in there (look at atyfb_of_init() for an
> example).
Unless `register_pci_region' is here, I think that I stay with current
behavior. I'm too lazy to add skipping of already registered devices
into matrox_init().
                                                Petr Vandrovec
                                                vandrove at

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