LinuxPPC on MVME 2306 board
David De Ridder at
Mon Feb 1 20:48:13 EST 1999
Hi everyone,
at the lab we have an MVME 2306 board, and for the past 6 months I have
been trying to run Linux on it.
As I understand from some messages in this list, several people have
been able to run LinuxPPC on such boards.
We have an additional handicap : the board must be booted completely off
our local net. We cannot use a SCSI drive, because the two PMC slots need
to stay available for future lab applications.
I already have the BOOTP/TFTP configured right, so I can load a
kernel into the board over our network. This works perfectly with
'dummy' kernels, they let the board crash, as expected.
I also set up NFS, to provide a root filesystem when necessary.
Still, there are several problems, and therefore these questions :
1) Does LinuxPPC run on such boards ? Does anyone run LinuxPPC on an
MVME230x(5/6/7/8) *without* a hard disk (and with NFS) ?
2) Since we don't have a spare developer PPC machine, is it possible
to crosscompile the LinuxPPC kernel from the standard Linux sources
on an Intel based machine ? I tried it and had problems with an
unfound 'semaphore.h' file.
I am willing to put serious effort in this matter (and I already have),
but is there a precompiled kernel around somewhere that I could
download into the board to _prove_ it works ?
(Such a kernel needs CONFIG_ECHO_SERIAL support.) I don't care if it
is unable to find a root filesystem etc., I just would be glad to
demonstrate that LinuxPPC _is_ a viable solution, and then I can look
further into it.
If you can provide suggestions, comments or pointers, please respond.
Thanks in advance,
David De Ridder - University of Antwerp (Belgium)
David 'Septimus' De Ridder < at>
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