BootX enhancement request

brad allison jackal at
Tue Aug 24 07:23:36 EST 1999

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Robert Shaw wrote:

> > This, BETA, driver. :)
> It may be beta, but it works just fine. I've had several users indicate it works
> without any problems.

I'm using it. 

Works great.  I've got a G3 450mhz (rev2) and a SGI 21" monitor.  

I tested the precompiled 2.2.6 and the 2.2.10 off Shaw's site.

The 2.2.6 kernel worked without having to do anything special.  The 2.2.10
kernel needed the kernel arguements to synch to my monitor.


AOL SAPI 		                        703.265.0908     AIM:jackal242        `I was never more certain of how far away I was
from my goal than when I was standing right beside it.' - Ethan Hawke, Gattaca

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