gnome-ppp and the mac serial ports

Anthony Lester Anthony.Lester at
Tue Aug 17 18:53:26 EST 1999

I've finally got gnome-ppp working after commenting out a section of the source code which
checks the DCD (Data Carrier Detect) line of the serial port. The kernel code
corresponding to this check is in the file "macserial.c" and sets various bits of a status
byte according to the value of a register in the zilog uart which handles the standard mac
serial ports.

However the standard RS422 mac ports only have handsake-in and handshake-out lines
(corresponding to RTS and DTR for the RS232 I think) so there is no line corresponding to
DCD. So how would it get DCD?

The most surprising thing is that the kernel source contains explicit treatment for DCD,
so unless I am very much mistaken (or I have a dodgy modem cable) there is something

Any comments, what should be modified, applications, kernel, or both?


--      _            ---------------------------------------
       (_)          |                     Anthony LESTER    |
    _   _   ___     |    Coul. 65-55,  2e etg,  Bur. 230    |
   | | | | |   )    |    UPMC  /  LIP6  /  ASIM  /  CNRS    |
   | | | | | 6  )   |    4 pl Jussieu, 75252 PARIS cdx 5    |
   | | |_| |  _)    |                                       |
   | |___  | |      |    Tel: +33 1 4427 7124 (fax 7280)    |
   |_____| |_|      |        |

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