[Patch] linuxppc gnuplot segfaults in save

Lars Hecking lhecking at nmrc.ucc.ie
Thu Apr 15 20:47:51 EST 1999

> The problem could be egcs, there's a known varargs bug on PPC, which 
> happens as soon you have more than 8-10 args. There's a testcase for this 
> in the egcs testsuite, gcc.c-torture/execute/980608-1.c, which still fails 
> in the development sources. I hope this will be resolved for egcs-1.2 if 
> the rewrite of the function epilogue/prologue to use RTL makes it in time...

 Regardless whether this is an egcs problem or not, I'll check the patch
 into the gnuplot source tree. Watch out for gnuplot beta :)

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