Memory buffer corruption with Raid on PPC

D. Lance Robinson lancer at
Wed Apr 14 10:42:03 EST 1999

I have linux 2.2.3 with raid014519990309.. patch.

On a PPC (Mac G3) system, I am getting what seems to be memory buffer
courruption when using raidstart. The same kernel source run with i386
architecture seems to be fine.

To show the problem, I do something like the following...

#  cd ~me
#  gcc source_a.c 
#  raidstart /dev/md0 ; gcc source_a.c 
#  raidstop  /dev/md0 ; gcc source_a.c 
#  raidstart /dev/md0 ; gcc source_a.c 
#  raidstop  /dev/md0 ; gcc source_a.c 
#  raidstart /dev/md0 ; gcc source_a.c 
#  raidstop  /dev/md0 ; gcc source_a.c 
#  raidstart /dev/md0 ; gcc source_a.c 
#  raidstop  /dev/md0 ; gcc source_a.c 

Usually doing this will cause the compile to have a problem. Such as:
"Illegal Instruction", or some compile error. This indicates some sort
of memory buffer corruption since the gcc is all done out of memory.

The problem seems to be in the raidstart area. It shows up after
starting the array, but once the array is started (and passes the gcc
test,) it works fine.

Any ideas ?

Thanks, <>< Lance.

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