S3 Virge?

Aaron Burt (Volt Computer) a-aburt at microsoft.com
Tue Apr 13 03:51:40 EST 1999

> From: mayan [mailto:mayan at watson.ibm.com]

> I have a PCI S3Virge card (dev id = 0x8a01). Has anyone got this
> to work on any linuxppc system? What config parameters did you
> have to set up to get the driver included?

Is that in a Power Series 850, PReP architecture, no Open Firmware?  I wuz
gonna ask that myself/try it out.  There's no FrameBuffer/GGI driver for it,
AFAIK, so we're talking building XF86-S3 on PPC.

I must say, those of us with leftovers from the aborted PPC version of WinNT

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