KDE Support

ian reinhart geiser geiseri at msoe.edu
Tue Dec 22 01:35:45 EST 1998

    So will LinuxPPC "Oficially" come with KDE?
    It is my PERSONAL pref to use KDE.  I have been
    using GNOME on my i86 box for a while now and
    i guess i like KDE better.  But from the sound of
    things LinuxPPC is not going to ship with any
    KDE on board.  RH 5.2 Really was a pain to get
    KDE installed on.  Do i have the same nightmare
    to look foreward to in January?

    I love LinuxPPC, and in a few cases it has proven
    more stable then my i86 box...

    I do not want to give up KDE just to not have to
    use MacOS....

    -ian reinhart geiser

|[]                   NeXT Generation                    [X]|
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|  Macintosh Specialist @  | Phone:     414.277.4528        |
|  Milwaukee School of     |                                |
|        Engineering       |--------------------------------|
|                          |                                |
|   ian reinhart geiser    | phone:   414.220.9683          |
|   Apt #510A              | email:   geiseri at msoe.edu      |
|   1029 N Jackson St      | web:     www.msoe.edu/~geiseri |
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