changes to the kernel
Troy Benjegerdes
hozer at
Wed Dec 16 15:35:48 EST 1998
On Thu, 10 Dec 1998, VALETTE Eric wrote:
> Inflates returns %d... I will send a patch enabling to print decimal
> as well... NB : this bug has been reported by alois on the mailling list
> with a fix and I have reposted the fix.
FYI, I've had this problem on a 604e/133 blackhawk board. I worked around
it by setting the optimization level for arch/ppc/boot to -O instead of
-O2 in the makefile.
| Troy Benjegerdes | troybenj at | hozer at |
| Unix is user friendly... You just have to be friendly to it first. |
| This message composed with 100% free software. |
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