matroxfb, anybody?

Michel Lanners mlan at
Sun Dec 13 21:40:28 EST 1998

Hi there,

Anybody successfull in running matroxfb with recent vger kernels?

I've tried using it alongside controlfb as a second framebuffer, but it
doesn't initialize. Compiled-in, it only goes through the very first
debugging message, and then nothing more;  while as a module insmod
aborts (slightly older matroxfb.c (1.6c)) or hangs the system (most
recent matroxfb.c (1.8)).

I've also tried to compile-in matroxfb without controlfb, but that
failed because offb.c wasn't in (undefined ref to console_getmode et
al.). I'm right now trying a recompile with OF support compiled in, but
no framebuffer driver. Let's see....


Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
9, Montee St. Crepin           |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
L-1365 Luxembourg              |
email   mlan at            |        |                     Learn Always. "

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