PReP RTC vs Decrementer accuracy...

Dan Malek dmalek at
Fri Dec 11 16:53:25 EST 1998

Guy G. Sotomayor, Jr. wrote:

> Dan Malek wrote:
> > Excellent idea.  I have started to implement this on an MPC8xx board,
> > so I will let everyone know the results pretty quickly.

> .....this is how we kept time since all of the processors we were
> dealing with had a time base or its moral equivalent.....

I have it running on an MPC8xx board right now, we'll
see how it keeps time overnight with some other programs
running.   I couldn't point to any problems with the decrementer,
but I think my implementation of the TB prevents missing
any counts.  One nice thing I discovered is the decrementer
is an exception rather than an interrupt, so you are unlikely
to mask it like you do with the TB interrupt.

I am working on a version right now that I will run on
my PowerBook G3 to see if I can actually make it  run
on a 750 platform.

    -- Dan

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