PReP RTC vs Decrementer accuracy...

Troy Benjegerdes hozer at
Wed Dec 9 18:30:02 EST 1998

On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, Cort Dougan wrote:

> The hardware is more stable, of course, but we can miss when handling it.
> Take a look at the decrementer code - I think it's possible to miss a decr
> when resetting it.  That could explain drift.

Okay, would this cause the clock to be fast? (mine was about 45 minutes
fast) (And, is it feasable to make it 'impossible' to miss a decr?)

I have also rebooted the machine quite a bit.. This may also be the

> }Nope, not even close.  If you convert rtc drift specifications and
> }processor oscillator drift specifications to a common reference (like
> }PPM) you will see processor oscillators are significantly better

Basically, I want to know the right way to do this before fixing it.

| Troy Benjegerdes    |    troybenj at    |    hozer at   |
|    Unix is user friendly... You just have to be friendly to it first.  |
| This message composed with 100% free software.   |

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