[Lguest] Remote course: "The virtualization tecnologies in source code"

Glauber de Oliveira Costa glommer at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 09:51:15 EST 2007

On 8/12/07, Grabber <grabber at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah,
> I have 18 years old, living in Brazil, searching and discovering thinks
> about open-source software. I have tremendous curious to understand how
> virtualization work in internals but i have a difficult to understand some
> non-documented things. Thinking about this i consider one suggestion to the
> "virtualization geeks": Why the geeks don`t organize a chat, moodle course
> to teach peoples as i? I can help organizing a nice infra!
Because mostly, geeks learn thing by hacking around ;-)
We're usually at IRC, #virtualization , irc.oftc.net

You are welcome to join us, anytime you want.

Glauber de Oliveira Costa.
"Free as in Freedom"

"The less confident you are, the more serious you have to act."

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