Options to store device tree blob on NAND Flash

Hector Palacios hector.palacios at digi.com
Wed Mar 20 02:15:57 EST 2013


For embedded devices where NAND flash is the only storage media, I was wondering what 
are the existing approaches on how to store the device tree blob in flash.
Searching on the Internet I have found only two approaches:
  1. Have a dedicated MTD partition for the device tree blob (raw).
  2. Have a UBI volume on a partition and store the device tree blob as a file in a 
UBIFS partition (this approach also stores the kernel image as a file in the same or 
different volume).

Is anybody using other approach for storing the DTB in flash?
What method is more widely used in embedded devices?

Best regards,
Héctor Palacios

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